Bench Space


Our multidisciplinary team of experts works collaboratively under one roof to assess the effect of our clients in the context of whole learning and research.

CELKHA BIOSCIENCES provide a bench space of about 20 sitting capacity to accommodate the various needs of our clients. We offer a bench space for people who want to learn and research. Our bench space is available for visiting Scientists and academics looking for space to conduct work and research while in Abuja.

Those seeking more privacy and confidentiality should ensure the room is booked in its entirety.


Full Time Bench Space – Dedicated bench space with unlimited hours. Part Time Bench Space – Shared bench space.


  • Dedicated bench space
  • Limited storage for tools, supplies, and project materials
  • Well-tuned machines, maintained by our friendly shop tech.
  • Well-equipped collection learning tools
  • Availability of consumables
  • Continued learning opportunities with a 25% discount on full payment
  • Knowledgeable workers
  • Wireless internet


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